Case Study

Brief: Analyze an existing product and incorporate a new feature to benefit users.

UX/UI Design



Why this feature?

Why this feature?

Why this feature?

Two thirds of TV watchers have seen the same TV show twice. Half of the same users have seen the same TV show three times. 1 in 10 users have seen the same TV show seven times or more.


Netflix is the #1 streaming service

Netflix is the #1 streaming service

in second place is Disney (including ESPN) with 221 million subscribers. 3rd spot is Amazon Prime with 200 million subscribers.

Average time spent per day

Users spend approximately 3.2 hours a day watching Netflix. And on average 40 minutes of that is on their phone.

10% of Netflix users watch Netflix on their phone only.

"Why Rewatching Your Favorite TV Show Is Good for You"
-Time Magazine

How might we create a feature where users do not have to decide what episode of their favorite TV show to rewatch?

User Behavior

90% of millennials stated when they watch TV shows they are likely to binge* watch.

83% of Gen Z stated when they watch TV shows they are likely to binge* watch.

*approx. 6 episodes in a row.

Fan Favorite TV Shows

Fan Favorite TV Shows

Fan Favorite TV Shows

After users publicly complained about TV shows like Friends and The Office leaving the platform. Netflix paid $500 million to have the rights to air Seinfeld.

Proving that while users enjoy new content, they very much enjoy re watching their favorite shows.

User Interviews and Insights

Research Strategy: To grasp current user trends, I conducted a study by conversing with people who currently enjoy Netflix. The participants ranged in age from 24 to 52 years old.

Developed a guide for maintaining consistency by asking all users the same questions. Utilizing this manual, I carried out 5 user interviews. Findings were documented in Typeform and FigJam.

Research Strategy

To grasp current user trends, I conducted a study by conversing with people who currently enjoy Netflix. The participants ranged in age from 24 to 52 years old.

Developed a guide for maintaining consistency by asking all users the same questions. Utilizing this manual, I carried out 5 user interviews. Findings were documented in Typeform and FigJam.

Rewatching TV shows provides a sense of comfort, and a shared experience with other users. 3/4 of my users stated they used Netflix for watching TV Shows and movies and the reminding stated they used Netflix for movies only.

Deciding what to watch is sometimes a challenge for users. Could be considered a pain point depending on the situation. My insights found users were spending an average of 20 minutes on what to watch.

While users watch other streaming services, Netflix is the most commonly used app. All of my user interviews subscribed to on average 3 or more streaming services. But stated they spent the most time per week on Netflix.

User Persona

Throughout my research I gathered user goals and motivations. Through out the project I would reference the persona to check if the design decisions would align with user needs.

Competitive Analysis

User Persona

User Persona

Throughout my research I gathered user goals and motivations. Through out the project I would reference the persona to check if the design decisions would align with user needs.

User Flows

Documentation was made to showcase how users would flow through the app to complete their key tasks. I Identified specific scenarios and decision points the user would take to achieve their goals.

Documentation was made to showcase how users would flow through the app to complete their key tasks. I Identified specific scenarios and decision points the user would take to achieve their goals.

How might we add this feature?

Things to consider when adding this feature:
If a current Netflix user does not care to rewatch a TV show, can we keep their experience the same/unchanged.

For users who will utilize this added feature, making the feature obvious and clear to use.

Usability Testing

I had 13 users log in to Netflix and navigate to a TV show and find where the "shuffle" CTA had been added. I asked users to provide me with any feedback, issues, frustrations or feelings they had while testing.

User Testing Feedback

10 out of 13 users completed the task. Averaging 45 seconds to complete. Based on this information the added feature is easy to find for most users. Things to follow up on: did the 3 users stop to task because it was difficult or because they did not want to keep going

One user wanted to know if this feature would be applicable to downloaded episodes.

I reached out to my participants asking some clarifying questions. For example if the user was not going to rewatch a TV show did they feel as if the shuffle button hindered their experience at all. No users expressed that it was in their way, or distracting them.


I took some user feedback and designed the shuffle feature in the downloaded section. However, the placement and usability testing still needs to be done. I did not consider this a priority iteration because my testing and research was done for the online section of Netflix. But I liked the feedback and will continue to explore options. Below are some mockups of where I placed the feature. Next step would be more testing.

I took some user feedback and designed the shuffle feature in the downloaded section. However, the placement and usability testing still needs to be done. I did not consider this a priority iteration because my testing and research was done for the online section of Netflix. But I liked the feedback and will continue to explore options. Below are some mockups of where I placed the feature. Next step would be more testing.

Next Steps

While this design cycle has come to an end. I am looking forward to planning for how the design might be improved for the future. Next steps would include: another round of usability testing to see where the shuffle feature would ideally be in the downloaded section. I would like to survey more users. In addition ask users to track how often they were actually rewatching Tv shows over the span of 1-2 months time.
In conclusion having a feature that NO other streaming service offers creates a positive user experience.

While this design cycle has come to an end. I am looking forward to planning for how the design might be improved for the future. Next steps would include: another round of usability testing to see where the shuffle feature would ideally be in the downloaded section. I would like to survey more users. In addition ask users to track how often they were actually rewatching Tv shows over the span of 1-2 months time.
In conclusion having a feature that NO other streaming service offers creates a positive user experience.

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© 2023 Janemarie Shea

© 2023 Janemarie Shea

© 2023 Janemarie Shea